Good Prospects - MafagafoGirl - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
At the Precipice of... - AltUniverseWash - CHs 1 & 2/8 // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
Crawling In My Felty Skin - NaturallyDark - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
Spying - SelanPike - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
The Four Thrones - classpectanon - CH 1/? // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
and are you looking out for us? - lonelyghost - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
Moving On - articulatelyComposed - One-shot // Twitch // YouTube
Cutting Apples - MafagafoGirl - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
New Year's Resolution - UberTheMeh - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
Hold Me Close and Stay Here Forever - MayorOfCanTown - One-shot // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube
Love Letters in Digital Ink - tactfulGnostalgic - CH 6 // AO3 // Twitch // YouTube